1. Hobble: बंधन/ अटकाना
Restrict the activity or development of; bond, restriction, truss, nexus, shackle
Example: The economy was hobbled by rising oil prices.
Example: The economy was hobbled by rising oil prices.
2. Retrenchment: छंटनी
Reduction in the extent or quantity of something
Example: The retrenchment of investment demand.
Example: The retrenchment of investment demand.
3. Fret: झल्लाहट
Be constantly or visibly anxious; worry, be anxious, feel uneasy, be distressed
Example: She fretted about the cost of groceries.
Example: She fretted about the cost of groceries.
4. Sheen: चमक
A soft lustre on a surface; shine, gleam, patina, gloss
Example:Fixed deposits in banks and administered savings schemes such as the Public Provident Fund (PPF) are losing their sheen.
Example:Fixed deposits in banks and administered savings schemes such as the Public Provident Fund (PPF) are losing their sheen.
5. Raison d'être/ raison dêtre:
अस्तित्व का कारण/ उद्देश्य The most important reason or purpose for someone or something's existence
Example: The Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission had posited consumer protection as the raison d'être of financial regulation.
Example: The Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission had posited consumer protection as the raison d'être of financial regulation.
6. Posit: मंज़ूर करना/ मानना
Put forward as fact or as a basis for argument; validate, condescend, propound
Example: The Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission had posited consumer protection as the raison d'être of financial regulation.
Example: The Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission had posited consumer protection as the raison d'être of financial regulation.
7. Adjudication: निर्णय करना
The action or process of adjudicating; arbitration, refereeing, umpiring
Example: Its suggestion to offer a simplified resolution process through mediation and light touch adjudication when parties are unable to reach a settlement makes sense.
Example: Its suggestion to offer a simplified resolution process through mediation and light touch adjudication when parties are unable to reach a settlement makes sense.
8. Suffice: पर्याप्त होना
Be enough or adequate
Example: A performance review of the FRA will not suffice.
Example: A performance review of the FRA will not suffice.
9. Con: धोखा देना
Persuade (someone) to do or believe something by lying to them
Example: the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) set up in 2010 has returned nearly $12 billion to 27 million consumers who were conned by financial services firms engaging in illegal practices.
Example: the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) set up in 2010 has returned nearly $12 billion to 27 million consumers who were conned by financial services firms engaging in illegal practices.
10. Dire: भीषण
Extremely serious or urgent; terrible, dreadful
Example: India direly needs a robust FRA to look out for ordinary consumers.
Example: India direly needs a robust FRA to look out for ordinary consumers.
11. Encapsulate: संपुटित करना
Enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule; encase
Example: India needs nothingburger-equivalent to encapsulate certain current events.
Example: India needs nothingburger-equivalent to encapsulate certain current events.
12. Penchant: विशेष रुचि
A strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something
Example: She has a penchant for buying party gowns.
Example: She has a penchant for buying party gowns.
13. Allusion: उल्लेख/ संकेत
An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference; mention of, reference of
Example: This cross-border shelling is an allusion of war.
Example: This cross-border shelling is an allusion of war.
14. Regurgitate: भोजन का उगलना
Bring (swallowed food) up again to the mouth; vomit, disgorge
Example: We have seen cows and buffaloes regurgitating while sitting leisurely.
Example: We have seen cows and buffaloes regurgitating while sitting leisurely.
15. Succinct: संक्षिप्त
(Especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed; short, brief, concise, compact
Example: His story was full of suspense, short and succinct.
Example: His story was full of suspense, short and succinct.
16. Dough: साना हुआ आटा
A thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread or pastry
Example: He poured a little water in the atta to make a dough.
Example: He poured a little water in the atta to make a dough.
17. Aficionado: विशेषज्ञ/भक्त
A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime; expert, devotee, specialist, pundit
Example: A good news for chocolate aficionados, a new study has suggested that chocolate could be good for heart.
Example: A good news for chocolate aficionados, a new study has suggested that chocolate could be good for heart.
18. Evocative: याद ताज़ा करने वाला
Bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind; reminiscent, suggestive, redolent
Example: The evocative images of my previous tour.
Example: The evocative images of my previous tour.
19. Vedanta: वेदान्त
A Hindu philosophy based on the doctrine of the Upanishads, especially in its monistic form
Example: Vedanta is a spiritual tradition explained in the Upanishads that is concerned with the self-realisation.
Example: Vedanta is a spiritual tradition explained in the Upanishads that is concerned with the self-realisation.
20. Theism: आस्तिकवाद
Belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe
Example: Vedanta is about neither theism nor atheism.