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Difference Between Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note

Published on Tuesday, October 31, 2017


  • Bill of exchange and promissory note are types of negotiable instrument act. A bill of exchange or a promissory note is payables either to the order or bearer deemed as the instruments under the negotiable instrument act, 1881.
  • A bill of exchange is a type of negotiable instrument raised from the trade transactions. A promissory note is undertaken from the borrower to pay a certain sum of amount to the lender.

Bill of Exchange

  • Bill of exchange comes under section 5 of negotiable instrument act, 1881 "A bill of exchange is an instrument in writing containing an unconditional order signed by the maker directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money to the order a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument"
  • It is an agreement between two party customer and seller used mainly in global trade.
  • Bill of exchange is a documentation that a buyer party has accepted to pay a selling party a sum of money at a proposed time for delivered goods and services.
  • Both the parties generally engage with the bank to issue a bill of exchange due to a risk associated with trading.
  • The acceptor of a bill of exchange is liable to settle his liability as a principal debtor under the act.

Types of Bill of Exchange

1) Trade bill
2) Accommodation bill

Characteristics of Bill of Exchange

  • In a bill of exchange, there must be a proper dated and amount must be specific.
  • It must carry an order it means the drawer of the bill of exchange directs the drawee to pay a certain sum to the payee.
  • The drawee must accept the bill.

Promissory Note

  • The promissory note comes under the section 5 of negotiable instrument act, 1881 " A promissory note is an instrument in writing, contains an unconditional undertaking, signed by the maker to pay a certain sum of a company only to the order of the certain person to the bearer of the instrument. 
  • The promissory note is in written and signed by the maker, who is a promisor, is a negotiable instrument.
  • It is an undertaking from the buyer to pay a certain sum of money to the lender.
  • The person to whom payment is guaranteed is called a payee or owner.
  • A promissory note can be either payable on demand or at a specific time.

Characteristics of Promissory Note

  • The promissory note is a written promise with specific due to pay money to the lender 
  • There must be a signature of the drawer.
  • Both the promisor and promise must be certain.

Difference Between Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note

Parties Involved:

In a bill of exchange, there are three parties i.e. the drawer and the drawee an payee. While in a promissory note there are only two parties i.e. the maker and the payee.

Type of Payment

In a bill of exchange, the nature of payment is unconditional order to pay while in a promissory note, it is unconditional promise to pay.


A bill of exchange requires an acceptance of the drawee before it is presented for payment. In a promissory note, there is no need to accept as it is signed by the person who is responsible to pay.


The liability of a drawer in a bill of exchange is secondary and conditional. In a promissory note, the liability of maker is primary and absolute.

Notice of Dishonor

In a bill of exchange, if the payment fails in that case notice must be given to all persons are responsible to pay. In a promissory note, the notice of dishonour to the maker is not necessary.


In a bill of exchange, there must be a protection in case of dishonour while in a promissory note there is no protest at all.

Position of Maker

In a promissory note, the make has an immediate relationship with the payee while in bill of exchange drawer is in an immediate relationship with the acceptor and not with the payee.


A promissory note cannot be drawn in sets while a bill of exchange can be drawn in sets

Payable to bearer.

A promissory note cannot be made payable to a bearer, while a bill of exchange can be so drawn provided it is not payable to bearer on demand.

Payable to Maker

In a promissory note, the maker cannot pay to himself. In the case of a bill of exchange, the drawer and the payee can be one person.
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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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