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RBI Grade B - Development of Management Thoughts Quiz

Published on Wednesday, November 15, 2017
rbi grade b quiz
Quiz for the first chapter of Finance and Management - Paper 1 of Phase 2 of RBI Grade B Course.

1. Who is known as the father of Scientific management?
F.W. Taylor
Henry Fayol
Henry L. Gantt
D. Mc Gregor

2. Which of the movements in the evolution in management theory had time study as an integral component?
Scientific Management
Neo-Classical Theory
Human Relations

3. According to the findings of Hawthrone experiments, what is the impact of "financial incentives"?
Increase the labour efficiency
Decrease the labour efficiency
Make the employees lazy
No effect

4. According to the Scientific Management, what is the impact of "financial incentives"?
Increase the labour efficiency
Decrease the labour efficiency
Make the employees lazy
No effect

5. According to Hawthrone experiments - What is the most important factor that impacts workers productivity?
Social and psychological factors
Financial Incentives
Physical work environment (Example - Illumination)
Discipline and work ethics

6. Which of the following is not a part of Work study in Scientific Management?
Time Study
Motion Study
Fatigue study
Piece Study

7. Which of the following is not a type of managaer in Functional Foremanship concept of Scientific Management?
Gang boss
Speed boss
Repar boss
Time boss

8. Which principle of Management suggests that there should be a clear line of authority from top to bottom linking all managers at all levels?
Authority and Responsibility
Scalar Chain
Unity of Command
Unity of Direction

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