First, let us have a quick look at the exam pattern and syllabus. RBI releases Grade B officers posts in three categories namely,
1. Officers in Gr B – General
2. Officers in Gr B – DEPR – Department of economic and Policy Research
3. Officers in Gr B – DSIM – Department of statistics and Information management.
Officers in Gr B- General is the entry-level job for the Graduates with prescribe (%) percentage, For the remaining two categories one should possess a Master Degree as prescribed in the notification. Now let us discuss in detail regarding Officers in Gr B – General.
Exam Pattern:
Exam for RBI Grade B officers has three stages namely Phase- 1, Phase -2 and Interview. Only Phase - 2 marks are considered to give a call for an interview.Phase-1
1. General Awareness - 80 Questions2. Reasoning - 60 Questions
3. English - 30 Questions
4. Quantitative Aptitude - 30 Questions
A composite time of 120 minutes given for Phase-1 Exam
Name of the paper | Type of the paper | Time | Marks |
Paper-1 Economic and social issues | Objective | 90 Minutes | 100 |
Paper-2 English (Writing Skills) | Descriptive to be typed with the help of keyboard | 90 Minutes | 100 |
Paper-3 Finance and Management | Objective | 90 Minutes | 100 |
Paper-1 Economic and Social Issues
Dynamic portion
- Notifications and circulars by RBI
- Current affairs
- Government schemes
Team BankExamsToday makes a monthly capsule for RBI Grade B exam. In this capsule, we summarise all dynamic portion of ESI papers. This capsule is available for free and we call it RBI Grade B GK Digest.
Download RBI Grade B Monthly GK Digest for January 2018.
=> Link to latest RBI Grade B General Awareness Digests
Growth and Development- Measurement of growth
- National Income and per capita income
- Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India
- Sustainable Development and Environmental issues.
- Economic Reforms in India
- Industrial and Labour Policy
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Privatization
- Role of Economic Planning. Globalization
- Opening up of the Indian Economy
- Balance of Payments
- Export-Import Policy
- International Economic Institutions
- IMF and World Bank
- Regional Economic Co-operation.
- Social Structure in India
- Multiculturalism
- Demographic Trends
- Urbanization and Migration
- Gender Issues
- Positive Discrimination in favour of the underprivileged
- Social Movements
- Indian Political System
- Human Development
- Social Sectors in India, Health and Education
Paper- 2 English (Writing Skills)
- The paper on English shall be framed in a manner to assess the writing skills including expression and understanding of the topic.
Paper -3 Finance and Management
(I) Finance
Financial System
- Regulators of Banks and Financial Institutions
- Reserve Bank of India- functions and conduct of monetary policy, Banking System in India, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM, NABARD, NHB, etc.
Financial Markets
Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity,etc.), functions, instruments, recent developments.General Topics
- Risk Management in Banking Sector
- Basics of Derivatives: Forward, Futures and Swap
- Changing Landscape of Banking sector
- Recent Developments in the Financial Sector, Portfolio Investment, Public Sector Reforms, Disinvestments
- Financial Inclusion- use of technology
- Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, PublicPrivate Partnership
- Corporate Governance in Banking Sector, the role of e-governance in addressing the issues of corruption and inefficiency in the government sector.
- The Union Budget – Direct and Indirect taxes; Non-tax sources of Revenue, GST, Thirteenth Finance Commission and GST, Finance Commission, Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBM),
- Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI - components and trends
II) Management:
Management: Its nature and scope
- The Management Processes
- Planning, Organisation, Staffing, Directing and Controlling
- The Role of a Manager in an Organisation.
- The Tasks of a Leader
- Leadership Styles
- Leadership Theories
- A successful Leader versus an effective Leader.
Human Resource Development
- Concept of HRD
- Goals of HRD
- Performance Appraisal
- Potential appraisal and development
- Feedback and Performance Counselling
- Career Planning
- Training and Development
- Rewards
- Employee Welfare.
Motivation, Morale and Incentives
- Theories of Motivation
- How Managers Motivate
- Concept of Morale
- Factors determining morale
- Role of Incentives in Building up Morale.
- Steps in the Communication Process
- Communication Channels
- Oral versus Written Communication
- Verbal versus non-verbal Communication
- Upward, Downward and Lateral Communication
- Barriers to Communication
- Role of Information Technology.
Corporate Governance
- Factors affecting Corporate Governance
- Mechanisms of Corporate Governance.
Let us now discuss the preparation strategy and books to be followed for Paper-3.
- One should have a vast knowledge of various concepts and should follow the latest happenings across the country in Social, Political, Economical, Legal and Technological aspects. In general, 60% weight is given to finance and 40% weight is given to management.
- Also, focus on the numerical problems asked from the finance. Even though questions asked are of basic level it differs the aspirant's chances of selection. If one is not comfortable with the numerical then focus more on management and theory part of the Finance( This is for the candidates who started preparation after having look of phase-1 result). But at this level of competition, I recommend not to skip or leave any topic, plan and prepare a step before but do not start your preparation at the edge of a moment. But the numerical play very important role in selection doesn't neglect them.
Books List:
Please do remember all these Textbooks are for those aspirants who have ample time, strategy and good motivation to prepare but not for one-day batting. And for the aspirants who start their preparation after prelims result where they will get hardly 20 days to crack the exam, I suggest them at this cut-throat situation you better follow any good blog like ours which provides a good compiled material in the examination point of view.RBI Grade B Course 2018
- Reserve Bank of India is one of the most reputed and recognised institutions of Indian Financial System. Getting recruited in RBI is always a dream come true and many students keep an eye only on RBI Grade B exam and prepare for it day and night. This exam is not everyone's cup of tea because the syllabus and exam pattern is quite different from other recruitment exams.
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Financial Management: Author- I M Pandey

- Publication:- Vikas Publishing House.
- This book also has good numerals even though it is a bulky book but, knowing all the concepts gives you an edge over the others.
Principles of Management : P C Tripathi and P N Reddy

- Publication: Mc Graw Hill
- This is a good book for management to understand the basic concepts of management.
Indian Financial System: author- Bharati Pathak

- Publication: Pearson.
- This is a very good book to understand the finance and banking concepts. It covers the concepts in-depth.