Released by: International Labour Organization
To provide a global survey of current trends in social protection systems which includes social protection stages, a wide range of global, regional and national data on social protection grounds, interests and public expenses on social protection.
What is social protection?
- According to the international labour organization, Social protection means to access health care services, income security specifically at an old age, lay-off, illness, work trauma or death of the main earner.
- Social Protection includes benefits to the children and families, maternity, unemployment, employment injury, sickness, old age, disability, survivors and health protection.
About international Labour organization
- The international labour organization is a United Nations bureau that deals with labour issues especially at international labour norms, social protection, and work possibilities.
- International Labour Organization has headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and has in total 187 member states.
- International Labour Organization structure consists of three representative bodies of Governments, Employers and Workers and all are in the ratio of 2:1:1. This structure helps to bring an open, free and fair discussion among the representative body of an agency.
- It helps to develop unity and harmony in the groups, tries to attempt proper work standards and equity to workers, and helps to give technical support to many other developing nations.
- International Labour Organization solves issues related to force labour, minimum wage law, migrant and domestic workers.
Introduction to World Social Protection Report
- The world social protection report is global analysis or an overview of all parts of the nation by a Geneva-based organization known as International Labour Organization.
- World social protection report includes particular issues related to Children, Women, Men of the active age and old people along with worldwide health coverage.
- This report shows how worldwide social protection helps to abolish hunger, to lessen biases, to boost economic growth and social rights and Sustainable Development Goals.
Highlights of World Social Protection Report 2017-2019
- Although a significant improvement in the expansion of social protection in the many parts of the globe, a rational right to social security is still not achieved.
- As per a report, only 45% of the world population gets only one social protection benefit and the rest 55% are unprotected.
- A report shows that only about 29% of the world population is covered by full social security systems which include privileges to child, family and old age people and the rest 71% are unprotected.
- Lack of social protection leaves people unprotected from hunger and poverty, disparity, and social separation across the life cycle and it brings a barrier to an economic and social development
Core Analysis:
1) Social protection for children:
- Only 35% children from the global population have an adequate access to social protection, it means only one-third of the total are protected.
- The rest two-thirds of the population which almost counts to 1.3 billion children are unprotected and the maximum is from Africa and Asia.
- The number of countries is doing Efforts to protect children by fiscal consolidation plans which target poor children and more efforts are required to achieve the social protection goal.
2) Social protection for women and men of working age:
- It includes maternity and disability benefits, employment injury protection, and unemployment support.
- Women and Men of working age covered under social protection are limited although many developmental steps are taken to support women who have children.
- According to the survey, Only 83 million new baby born mothers are still covered.
- Only 21.8% unemployment workers are protected under unemployment benefits and the rest 152 million are left.
- At the global level, only 3.2% of the Gross Domestic Product is spent for social protection and give security to the working people.
- Countries like Ukraine and Uruguay has achieved the goal may other nations like Argentina, Colombia, Mongolia and South Africa have made notable achievement.
3) Social protection for older women and men
- Globally, 68% of people who are above retirement age got an old age pension that is linked to enlargement of both contributory pensions and non-contributory in middle and low-income nations.
- Expenses on pensions and many other compensations to old age people amount to just 6.9% of the GDP on an average and it has wide differences among the countries.
- Argentina, Belarus, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Botswana, Cabo Verde, China, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Maldives, Mauritius, Mongolia, Namibia, Seychelles,
- South Africa, Swaziland, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Zanzibar has succeeded in universal pension plan and countries like Azerbaijan, Armenia, Brazil,
- Chile, Kazakhstan, Thailand and Uruguay are nearby to achieve the goal.
4) Towards universal health coverage
- As per the report, about to 56% of the rural area population is left out from the benefit of health coverage as compared to 22% of urban areas.
- There are still 10 million health workers needed to cover under the world health coverage and assure security from highly transmissible infections like Ebola.
- Long-term care needs to be taken correctly and 57% volunteers from the world are trying to feel the difference in the workforce.
- Long-term care is mostly needed for an old age people who are not in a position to take care themselves due to a physical or mental situation.
5) Monitoring progress in social protection: Regional trends
- In Africa, 17.85 covered under at least one social protection benefit and 29.6% of old age people covered under social protection plan of pension.
- In America, 67.6% of the population is covered under social protection benefit and more than 66% of children, pregnant women, mothers of new-born baby and old age people.
- In Arab states, due to lack of data available a prejudices analysis is covered. 27.4% got an old age pension and 32.9% of the whole population covered under at least one social protection benefit.
- In the Asian and Pacific region, 38.9% population is covered under at least one social protection benefit. Australia and Mongolia have achieved a goal and countries like Bangladesh, India has extended coverage.
- In Europe and Central Asia, 84.1% population is covered under at least one benefit of social protection.
Link to Official ILO website