Apart from the survey he also launched All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) for the year 2017-18
How Survey is conducted:
- The survey covers all the Higher Educational Institutions in the country. The survey collects data on several parameters like teachers, student enrolment, programmes, examination results, education finance, infrastructure, etc
- The survey findings were based on findings taken from 795 universities, 34,193 colleges and 7,496 standalone institutions
Key findings of the survey:
1. Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER)
The enrolment by the end of the 2016-17 academic year stands at 3, 57, 05,905 with a Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of 25.2.GER is a ratio of enrolment in higher education to the population in the eligible age group (18-23) years. As per the survey
- Gross Enrollment Ratio has increased from 19.4 percent in 2010-11 to 25.2 percent in 2016-17.
- In last 5 years, the GER of the Muslims and other minority communities has been slow. From 4.15 percent GER of the Muslim youth (age group of 18-23 years) in 2012-13, it is just 4.90 percent in 2016-17
- Similarly, the GER growth for other minority groups has been 0.33 percent in the same period
- Tamil Nadu had the highest Gross Enrollment Ratio in the country at 46.9 percent
- Bihar has the lowest GER with 14.9 percent of its youth
- As per the survey, the country has set a target of achieving 30 percent Gross Enrollment in higher education by 2020
2. Foreign Students:
There is marginal improvement in number of foreign students -- 47,575 in 2016-17 from 45,424 in 2015-16 -- with 31,779 men and 15,796 women.- Karnataka continues to lead the country with the highest number of foreign students choosing the state as their preferred destination in 2016-2017.
- The maximum number of foreign students in the country came from Nepal comprising 23.6 percent. This was followed by Afghanistan with 9.3 percent and Bhutan with 4.8 percent.
- The report also said that across the globe students from 162 countries chose to come to India to study
- The maximum number of foreign students enrolled for undergraduate courses which are 76.9 percent.
- The survey shows the Gender Parity Index increased to 0.94 in 2016-17 from 0.86 in 2010-11 with women participation in certain disciplines very high and increased sharply in courses like MA, MSc, and M Com.
- Gender Parity Index (GPI) is defined as ratio of proportional representation of female and male
- In the AISHE 2016-17, the efforts have been made for the first time to collect data of teachers in the portal 'Gurujan' which is designed specifically for the teachers
- Women continue to outnumber men in bachelors of arts and education. In MBBS there are 99 women per 100 male students, up from 86 in 2012-13, and in B Com up to 93 from 79 in the same period.
- Even though the GER of the female is higher, there is still a significant gap in B.Tech, M. Tech, law and MBA programmes. In B.Tech, there are only 39 women per 100 men, hardly any improvement from 38 women in 2012-13.
- While there are just 9.3 percent colleges exclusively for girls, there are 15 women exclusive universities across 10 states