- Name of the scheme-KUSUM
- KUSUM- Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthan Maha Abhiyan
- Announced in-Union Budget 2018-19
- Time period of the scheme- 10 years
- Expenditure- Rs. 1.4 trillion
Aim of the Scheme:
- To incentivize farmers to run solar farm water pumps and also use their baron land for generating solar power.
- To improve farmers income and reduce dependence on diesel pumps through solar farming.
- Ministry of New and Renewable Energy will start implementing this scheme from the next fiscal year to promote solar farming among farmers.
These schemes have four components.
- First is to utilize the Baron land by farmers. Government is planning to build 10,000 MW solar plants on barren lands
- Second component includes installation of 17.5 lakh off grid solar farm pumps.
- Third component is grid-connected farm pumps would be solarised. Under this solarising’ existing pumps of 7250 MW as well as government tube wells with a capacity of 8250 MW
- Fourth component is distributing 17.5 lakh solar pumps.
Expenditure of the Scheme:
- The total central financial assistance under scheme would be for a period of 10 years would be Rs 48,000 crore.
- Under this scheme 60% subsidy is provided by the government. (30% from central government and 30% from state government)
- Another 30% will be met through loans while 10% of the cost will be borne by the farmer.
Positive outcomes of the scheme:
- Positive outcomes that are expected when the scheme is fully implemented across the country include
- Promotion of decentralized solar power production,
- Reduction of transmission losses
- Providing support to the financial health of DISCOMs by reducing the subsidy burden to the agriculture sector.
- The scheme would also promote energy efficiency and water conservation and provide water security to farmers.