(Direction: 1-2) Study the following arrangement carefully and answers the questions.
M 4 P A 3 % R 5 # E J 2 $ D F 1 U H B @ 9 T W I 8 K N 6 @V 7 Z Q 8 P D
1) What or you
2) Want
3) What
4) You
5) None of these
1) Food
2) Want
3) You
4) What
5) Water
(Direction: 6-8) To solve the questions, use the meaning of each symbol and follow the directions.
A @ B means ‘A is smaller than B’
A # B means ‘A is either smaller than or equal to B’
A $ B means ‘A is greater than B’
A * B means ‘A is either greater than or equal to B’
A % B means ‘A is neither greater than nor smaller than B’
H#Q, Q@F, L$F
1) L$H
2) H#F
1) Only conclusion 1 follows
2) Only conclusion 2 follows
3) Either conclusion 1 or conclusion 2 follows
4) Neither conclusion 1 follows nor conclusion 2 follows
5) Both the conclusions to follow
Count 16th from the left end= B
(20-8)th = 12th from the right end
Total students = Rank from the first + rank form the last – 1
45 = 12 + rank from the last – 1
Rank from the last = 34

Women’s husband’s mother = wife of the man
So, man = Father of the woman's husband
Woman = Wife of man’s son
M 4 P A 3 % R 5 # E J 2 $ D F 1 U H B @ 9 T W I 8 K N 6 @V 7 Z Q 8 P D
Question 1.
Is all the symbols in the arrangement are dropped, which of the following will be the 16th from the left end?
1) U
2) 1
3) @
4) 9
5) B
1) @
2) 7
3) 6
4) 8
5) J
1) 29
2) 38
3) 34
4) 36
5) 32
(Direction: 4-5) understand the code language and give the answers of below questions.
In a certain code language ‘ ja na da’ means ‘what you want’ , ‘ na pa ka’ means ‘they want food’ and ‘ ka ho ni’ means ‘ food and water’.
1) U
2) 1
3) @
4) 9
5) B
Question 2.
Which of the following is the eight to the right of the twentieth from the right end of the above arrangement?1) @
2) 7
3) 6
4) 8
5) J
Question 3.
Vimal ranks twelfth in a class of 45 students. What is his rank from the last?1) 29
2) 38
3) 34
4) 36
5) 32
(Direction: 4-5) understand the code language and give the answers of below questions.
In a certain code language ‘ ja na da’ means ‘what you want’ , ‘ na pa ka’ means ‘they want food’ and ‘ ka ho ni’ means ‘ food and water’.
Question 4.
What does ‘da’ mean in that code language?1) What or you
2) Want
3) What
4) You
5) None of these
Question 5.
What does ‘na’ mean in that code language?1) Food
2) Want
3) You
4) What
5) Water
(Direction: 6-8) To solve the questions, use the meaning of each symbol and follow the directions.
A @ B means ‘A is smaller than B’
A # B means ‘A is either smaller than or equal to B’
A $ B means ‘A is greater than B’
A * B means ‘A is either greater than or equal to B’
A % B means ‘A is neither greater than nor smaller than B’
Question 6.
Statement:H#Q, Q@F, L$F
1) L$H
2) H#F
1) Only conclusion 1 follows
2) Only conclusion 2 follows
3) Either conclusion 1 or conclusion 2 follows
4) Neither conclusion 1 follows nor conclusion 2 follows
5) Both the conclusions to follow
Question 7.
J$T, T@V, V#M
1) T#M
2) J%M
1) Only conclusion 1 follows
2) Only conclusion 2 follows
3) Either conclusion 1 or conclusion 2 follows
4) Neither conclusion 1 follows nor conclusion 2 follows
5) Both the conclusions to follow
J$T, T@V, V#M
1) T#M
2) J%M
1) Only conclusion 1 follows
2) Only conclusion 2 follows
3) Either conclusion 1 or conclusion 2 follows
4) Neither conclusion 1 follows nor conclusion 2 follows
5) Both the conclusions to follow
Question 8.
U#D, D@R, R%T
1) U@R
2) T$D
1) Only conclusion 1 follows
2) Only conclusion 2 follows
3) Either conclusion 1 or conclusion 2 follows
4) Neither conclusion 1 follows nor does conclusion 2 follow
5) Both the conclusions to follow
U#D, D@R, R%T
1) U@R
2) T$D
1) Only conclusion 1 follows
2) Only conclusion 2 follows
3) Either conclusion 1 or conclusion 2 follows
4) Neither conclusion 1 follows nor does conclusion 2 follow
5) Both the conclusions to follow
Question 9.
After walking 5 km Virat turned right and covered a distance of 2 km, then turned left and covered a distance of 5 km. In the end, Virat was moving towards the north. In which direction did Virat started the journey?
1) North
2) South
3) East
4) West
5) Southwest
1) Grandfather
2) Father in law
3) None of these
4) Cannot be determined
5) Husband
1) North
2) South
3) East
4) West
5) Southwest
Question 10.
Pointing to a woman, a man said’ “her husband’s mother is the wife of my father’s only son.” How is that man related to the woman?1) Grandfather
2) Father in law
3) None of these
4) Cannot be determined
5) Husband
Ans 1. B
M 4 P A 3 R 5 E J 2 D F 1 U H B 9 T W I 8 K N 6 V 7 Z Q 8 P DCount 16th from the left end= B
Ans 2. @
When the direction is same, just deduct the small one from big(20-8)th = 12th from the right end
Ans 3. 34
Virat’s rank from the lastTotal students = Rank from the first + rank form the last – 1
45 = 12 + rank from the last – 1
Rank from the last = 34
Ans 4. What or You
Ans 5. Want
Ans 6. Only conclusion follows
H ≤ Q< F < LAns 7. Neither conclusion 1 follows nor does conclusion 2 follow
T < V ≤ MAns 8. Both the conclusions to follow
U ≤ D < R = TAns 9. South
Ans 10. Father in law
Man’s father’s only son = man himselfWomen’s husband’s mother = wife of the man
So, man = Father of the woman's husband
Woman = Wife of man’s son