Question no. 1
Seven of the fatalities was in Havana, whose decaying historic buildings were no match for the force of the storma) Seven of the fatalities
b) Was in Havana, whose
c) Historic buildings were
d) For the force of the storm
e) No error
Solution: b) were will be used instead of was because the subject is in plural form.
Question no. 2
María Estela Pedroso, who knew the brothers, said she had tried to convince the authorities to relocate her for over a decade.
a) María Estela Pedroso, who
b) Knew the brothers,
c) Had tried to convince
d) To relocate her for over a decade.
e) No error
Solution: c) had been trying will be used instead of had tried past perfect tense is used in the sentence which started in the past and continued for some time in the past. In the sentence, she had been trying to convince the authorities for a decade. So it continued for some time.
a) María Estela Pedroso, who
b) Knew the brothers,
c) Had tried to convince
d) To relocate her for over a decade.
e) No error
Solution: c) had been trying will be used instead of had tried past perfect tense is used in the sentence which started in the past and continued for some time in the past. In the sentence, she had been trying to convince the authorities for a decade. So it continued for some time.
Question no. 3
The government last year changed the expenditure classification to revenue and capital expenditure from the earlier classification of plan and non-plan expenditure.
a) The government last year changed
b) classification to revenue and
c) capital expenditure from the
d) classification of plan and non-plan expenditure.
e) No error
Solution: e) no error
a) The government last year changed
b) classification to revenue and
c) capital expenditure from the
d) classification of plan and non-plan expenditure.
e) No error
Solution: e) no error
Question no. 4
The finance ministry has started the budget-making exercise for the fiscal year starting 1 April with the release of the budget circular in September containing the timelines of submission of information by various departments.
a) The finance ministry has started the
b) for the fiscal year starting 1 April with
c) the budget circular in September containing the timelines
d) of submission of information by various departments.
e) No error
Solution: d) for will be used instead of ‘of’
a) The finance ministry has started the
b) for the fiscal year starting 1 April with
c) the budget circular in September containing the timelines
d) of submission of information by various departments.
e) No error
Solution: d) for will be used instead of ‘of’
Question no. 5
The government has not decided on frame a new Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, as recommended by the N.K. Singh committee.
a) The government has not
b) decided on frame a new
c) and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, as
d) recommended by the N.K. Singh committee.
e) No error
Solution: b) framing will be used instead of frame.
a) The government has not
b) decided on frame a new
c) and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, as
d) recommended by the N.K. Singh committee.
e) No error
Solution: b) framing will be used instead of frame.
Question no. 6
Talking on other projects of Indo-Russia cooperation, Chemezov said apart from the Ka-226, the two sides have an enterprise that has been working for a long time producing cruise missiles Brahmos.
a) Talking on other projects of Indo-Russia cooperation,
b) apart from the Ka-226, the two sides have an
c) enterprise that has been working for
d) producing cruise missiles Brahmos.
e) No error
Solution: a) talking about is a correct usage.
a) Talking on other projects of Indo-Russia cooperation,
b) apart from the Ka-226, the two sides have an
c) enterprise that has been working for
d) producing cruise missiles Brahmos.
e) No error
Solution: a) talking about is a correct usage.
Question no. 7
Federer had had surgery for the first time in his career in his left knee in February and after the Wimbledon setback, he did not finish the season, missing the US Open and the Rio Olympics.a) Federer had had surgery for the first time
b) in his left knee in February and after
c) the Wimbledon setback he did not
d) missing the US Open and the Rio Olympics.
e) No error
Solution: b) on his left knee will be used.
Question no. 8
Many people thought Roger Federer’s Grand Slam-winning days were behind him, but he defied his age and conventional logic to seal his 18th major title in the Australian Open on Sunday.
a) Many people thought Roger Federer’s Grand Slam
b) were behind him, but he defied his age
c) and conventional logic to seal
d) in the Australian Open on Sunday.
e) No error.
Solution: d) at will be used instead of in. At is used if specific position or specific point of time is given.
a) Many people thought Roger Federer’s Grand Slam
b) were behind him, but he defied his age
c) and conventional logic to seal
d) in the Australian Open on Sunday.
e) No error.
Solution: d) at will be used instead of in. At is used if specific position or specific point of time is given.
Question no. 9
Airports Authority of India (AAI) will raise its capital expenditure by 25% in the fiscal year starting 1 April to expand existing airports and builds hangars for hundreds of planes that airlines are ordering.a) Airports Authority of India (AAI) will raise its
b) by 25% in the fiscal year starting 1 April to expand
c) and builds hangars for hundreds of
d) of planes that airlines are ordering.
e) No error
Solution: e) no error
Question no. 10
Machines of the size of a portable room cooler has been installed outside washrooms of Kolkata airport to allow passengers to report the cleanliness of washrooms by pressing one of the two buttons.
a) Machines of the size of a portable
b) has been installed outside washrooms of Kolkata airport
c) to report the cleanliness of washrooms by
d) pressing one of the two buttons.
e) No error
Solution: b) have been installed will be used instead of has been installed.
a) Machines of the size of a portable
b) has been installed outside washrooms of Kolkata airport
c) to report the cleanliness of washrooms by
d) pressing one of the two buttons.
e) No error
Solution: b) have been installed will be used instead of has been installed.