- The Ministry of Earth Sciences has augmented its High-Performance Computing (HPC) facility by 6.8 PetaFlops which has been installed at two of its constituent units namely IITM, Pune with 4 PF and national Centre for Medium-Range Weather forecasting, Noida with 2.8 PF.
- The HPC facility Pratyush at IITM and MIHIR at NCMRWF were dedicated to the nation.
- India’s ranking has moved from 368th position to around top 30 in the top 500 list of HPC in the World. India is now placed at the 4th position after Japan, UK and USA.
- A very high-resolution state of art Global Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) was commissioned by MoES. Its resolution of 12 km is the highest amongst all the operational global weather forecast centres in the world.
- A Mumbai Weather Live Mobile app has been developed by collating ground measurements recorded by IMD and Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. Currently, it covers about 100 sites spread across Mumbai city, suburban areas and Navi Mumbai.
- Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan laid the foundation stone for the world’s first ever Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion powered desalination project in Kavaratti. OTEC is a renewable form of energy utilizing thermal gradient present across the ocean depth.
- The Atal Centre for Ocean Science and Technology for Islands in Port Blair was inaugurated that is focussed towards offshore open sea cage culture for marine fishes, deep sea microbial technology aimed at the production of novel bioactive compounds from actinobacteria and other deep-sea microorganisms, isolation and production of biomolecules from microalgae and seawater quality monitoring.
- Union Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan laid the foundation stone of the National Centre for Coastal Research and a joint training facility of NCCR and IMD at Dolphin Hill, Visakhapatanam.