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Animal Protection Index (API) 2020: Highlights

Published on Thursday, March 26, 2020
Animal Protection Index (API) 2020: Highlights
  • The Animal Protection Index (API) 2020 has been released by World Animal Protection which is an International animal welfare charity. The index ranks 50 countries around the world on the basis of their legislation and policy commitments for protecting animals. The Animal Protection Index is prepared by considering 10 indicators which are grouped into 4 goals. These indicators address key animal welfare issues around the world. The index gives each country an overall score and these scores fall within scoring bands from A to G. Here, A represents countries with highest results while G represents countries which require maximum improvement.
  • The four goals and the indicators under each goal that are used for preparing the index are- 
  • Goal 1: Recognition of animal sentience and prohibition of animal suffering- 
    • Indicator 1: Animal sentience is formally recognized in legislation 
    • Indicator 2: There are animal protection laws that prohibit causing animal suffering either by a deliberate act of cruelty or by a failure to act 
  • Goal 2: Presence of animal welfare legislation- 
    • Indicator 3: There are laws that apply to animals used in farming including rearing, transport and slaughter 
    • Indicator 4: There are laws that apply to animals in captivity 
    • Indicator 5: Companion animals 
    • Indicator 6: Animals used for draught and recreation 
    • Indicator 7: There are laws that apply to animals used in scientific research 
    • Indicator 8: There are laws that apply to wild animals 
  • Goal 3: Establishment of supportive government bodies 
    • Indicator 9: The government has assigned responsibility and accountability for improving animal protection at a high government level and has provided resources 
  • Goal 4: Support for international animal welfare standards 
    • Indicator 10: The Government has incorporated the OIE’s guiding principles for animal welfare and its animal welfare standards into policy and legislation 

Key Findings

  • No country has been placed in the A scoring band.
  • Countries like United Kingdom, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark have found place in B scoring band.
  • Iran and Azerbaijan has been placed in G scoring band. It means these countries require maximum improvement in terms of Animal protection.

India Specific Findings

  • India has been placed in the C scoring band with countries like Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Italy, etc.
  • The index recommends the Government of India to amend Section 14 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, so as to include animals used in scientific experiment in the scope of this Act.
  • It also recommends India to introduce legislation that prohibits the slaughter of animals who are not stunned.


Q: 1: The Animal Protection Index 2020 ranks how many countries?
1. 62 Countries
2. 50 Countries
3. 40 Countries
4. 100 Countries 
5. 102 Countries

Answer- 2
Explanation- T
he Animal Protection Index (API) 2020 ranks 50 countries around the world on the basis of their legislation and policy commitments for protecting animal.
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