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NISM-Series-VIII: Equity Derivatives Question Bank

Published on Tuesday, May 28, 2024
We’ve prepared a question bank for the NISM-Series-VIII: Equity Derivatives exam. It covers all necessary topics and is designed for effective practice and understanding. We believe it will greatly assist in your exam preparation.

1 Initial margin to be paid in derivatives is set up taking into account the volatility of the underlying market. Generally ___?

  • A) Lower the volatility, higher the initial margin
  • B) Higher the volatility, lower the initial margin
  • C) Higher the volatility, higher the initial margin
  • D) None of these

2 In a derivatives exchange, the networth requirement for a clearing member is higher than that of a non-clearing member – State whether True or False?

  • A) True
  • B) False

3 What will be the Delta for a Far Out-of-the-money option?

  • A) Near 0
  • B) Near 1
  • C) Near -1
  • D) Near 2

4 On final settlement, the buyer/holder of the option will recognize the favorable difference received from the seller/writer as ______ in the profit and loss account.

  • A) Income
  • B) Expense
  • C) Loan
  • D) Amortization

5 How is the forward contract, which is for hedging purpose, accounted for in books of accounts?

  • A) The premium or discount will be shown in the Profit and Loss Account
  • B) The premium or discount will be ignored for accounting
  • C) The premium or discount will be amortized over the life of contract
  • D) No premium or discount will be recognized in the books of accounts

6 In case of a member’s default, the Clearing Corporation cannot transfer clients positions to another member or close out all open positions of defaulting member, without prior approval from SEBI – State True or False ?

  • A) True
  • B) False

7 Is it true that at expiration, the value of an option is its intrinsic value?

  • A) Yes, its true for all options
  • B) No, its not true for all options
  • C) Yes, its true but only for Call options
  • D) Yes, its true but only for Put options

8 At price level of Rs. 6900, what will be the value of one lot of ABC futures contract (contract multiplier 50)?

  • A) Rs. 289000
  • B) Rs. 690000
  • C) Rs. 345000
  • D) Rs. 460000

9 The price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold on exercise of an option is called ________

  • A) Spot Price
  • B) Risk Premium
  • C) Strike Price
  • D) Option Premium

10 Trader A wants to sell 20 contracts of August series at Rs 4500 and Trader B wants to sell 17 contracts of September series at Rs 4550. Lot size is 50 for both these contracts. The Initial Margin is fixed at 6%. How much Initial Margin is required to be collected from both these investors (sum of initial margins of A and B) by the broker?

  • A) 5,02,050
  • B) 2,70,000
  • C) 4,10,000
  • D) 2,32,050

11 An Index Option is ______.

  • A) a derivative product
  • B) settled in cash
  • C) rarely traded on the Indian stock exchanges
  • D) Both 1 and 2

12 Mr. Sunil places a stop loss sell order on ABC stock with a trigger price of Rs. 450. The current market price of ABC stock is Rs 470. The order will be released for execution ______.

  • A) As soon as the market price of ABC touches Rs. 470
  • B) As soon as the market price of ABC touches Rs. 450
  • C) As soon as the order is placed in the system
  • D) If similar orders are available in the order book at Rs. 450

13 In case of Bonus shares, the new option strike price is arrived at by ______ the old strike price by the adjustment factor.

  • A) Adding
  • B) Dividing
  • C) Subtracting
  • D) Multiplying

14 Can Professional Clearing members act only on behalf of institutional clients ?

  • A) Yes
  • B) No

15 Securities Transaction Tax (STT) is levied on ________.

  • A) Purchase of Equity Shares
  • B) Sale of Derivatives
  • C) Purchase of Derivatives
  • D) Only 1 and 2

16 A unique principle of futures trading makes trading possible for those who do not want to make or take delivery of underlying assets. Which is that principle ?

  • A) Traded on a recognised exchange
  • B) Price uncertainty
  • C) Standardisation of contracts
  • D) Cash settlement

17 Mr. Hitesh is a trading member. One of his clients has purchased 12 contracts of March series index futures and another client as has sold 10 contracts of March series index futures. The exposure of Mr. Hitesh as trading member is ________.

  • A) grossed up at 22 contracts
  • B) netted out at 2 contracts
  • C) maximum of 10 and 12 which is 12 contracts
  • D) The Exchange will decide to either gross up or net out the exposure depending upon his past record

18 Does the difference between exercise price of the option and spot price affects option premium ? State Yes or No.

  • A) Yes
  • B) No

19 Contract month means_____

  • A) Month in which the transaction is done
  • B) Month of expiry of the futures contract
  • C) Month of beginning of the futures contract
  • D) None of these

20 In an Out-of-the Money (OTM) Put option ____

  • A) Strike price would be higher than the market price
  • B) Exercise price would be equal to the market
  • C) Strike price would be lower than the market price
  • D) strike price would be zero

21 Any person who wishes to open a Trading Account must be given the following documents by his trading member-

  • A) Complete version of all the laws of SEBI
  • B) Risk disclosure document
  • C) All the rules & regulations of the exchange
  • D) SEBI guidelines on the subject

22 A person sells a put option of Strike Price 265, market lot 1000, at a premium of Rs 40, the maximum profit he can make is _____.

  • A) Rs 25,000
  • B) Rs 2,65,000
  • C) Rs 40,000
  • D) Unlimited

23 When a person sells a put option, he has an –

  • A) Bullish view
  • B) Bearish view
  • C) Mixed view
  • D) Long term view

24 Rho is ______ .

  • A) is the change in option price given a one percentage point change in the risk-free interest rate
  • B) the change in option price given a one-day decrease in time to expiration
  • C) speed with which an option moves with respect to price of the underlying asset
  • D) a measure of the sensitivity of an option price to changes in market volatility
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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

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