Professional Knowledge
- Types of service marketing
- Perceived VS expectation which gap (gap 1, gap 2)
- 2 questions on SWOT
- 1 question from porter value chain
- Selective retention
- Intermarket segmentation
- High growth market, high market share in BCG
- Unable to email delivery? Hard Bounce
- Channel conflict horizontal
- Others following price as per industry topper. What pricing
- Fixed price+ variable pricing in fitness clubs. What price?
- Face to face communication which marketing
- Google page ranking what factor
- What is digital marketing
- What is affiliate marketing
- Alt tag
- Search engine function (crawl and index)
- Balanced Scorecard method
- Which one is not sevqual variable (attitude)
- A person sells in fishing equipment in his YouTube videos. Every time he sells, he gets 20% commission? Which role he in (advocate, promoter)
- Observing a sample in their habitat……Ethnographic research
- Segmentation, targeting and positioning, pricing use which method? Regression analysis
- Anova.. which technique
- GE Matrix horizontal axis is what?
- Elasticity -1Question
- Affinity Audience
- Bargaining power of supplier-which supplier
- Landing pages in digital marketing
- Situation based on SWOT analysis opportunity and threat
- Measure of leaving impact of google page
- Two channel distribution
- Second degree price discrimination
- Selective distortion
- Vertical demand curve
- In service marketing Triangle delivering the promise is related to
- Selective and Intensive distribution strategy is used in which stage of PLC
- Perceptions steps- Exposure Attention
- Brand Valuation
- Reliability/ durability
- GE Matrix
- Kellers brand equity model, service gap model, price discrimination, digital marketing
- Research Methods
- Cohort
- Cluster analysis
- Bounce Rate
- SEO Related white Hat, red hat conception question
- Which stage you implement selective distributive strategy and intensive distribution strategy
- Third degree price discrimination
- Forecasting model that uses aggregated expert opinions to establish consensus opinion on an issue
- Search engine is used for- Crawling and index
- Temporary delivery issue, such as full inbox or a sever e temporarily unavailable due to
- Market strategy which groups consumer based on similar needs; behaviour located in different countries
- Which one is not true about consumer product
- Bullwhip model
- Which one is not good convenience good (cold drinks, soap, car)
- Which characteristics show the long-term availability of a product especially when durables (durability)?
- To combine all the results, what type of mathematical analysis to be done? (regression, Conjoint etc.)
- High involvement goods what demand (extended demand)..?
- Which are not characteristics of specialty product?
- Exposure… attention (one ques from attention)